File #: 19-0443    Version: 1 Name: Resolution 2019-40, development plan Southbrooke
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 4/18/2019 In control: Board of Mayor & Aldermen
On agenda: 11/12/2019 Final action: 11/12/2019
Title: PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration Of Resolution 2019-40, As Amended: "A Resolution Approving A Development Plan For Southbrooke PUD Subdivision, For Several Properties Located East And West Of Lewisburg Pike And North And South Of The Intersection At Stream Valley Boulevard." (FMPC 6/27/19, 7-2; WS 7/9/19; BOMA 8/13/19 deferred to 11/12/19) (REQUEST TO WITHDRAW BY APPLICANT)
Sponsors: Ald. Ann Petersen, Emily Hunter, Amy Diaz-Barriga
Attachments: 1. RES 2019-40 Southbrooke PUD Subdivision_Annex Property_with Exhibits.Law Approved 3, 2. MAP RES 2019-40 ORD 2019-13 SOUTHBROOKE PUD, 3. Conditions of Approval as Amended per FMPC, 4. Southbrooke rendering Aerial View (002), 5. Southbrooke layout overall, 6. Southbrooke layout by section, 7. Southbrooke architecture, 8. Southbrooke full submittal package, 9. Southbrooke email from applicant 062519, 10. Southbrooke Memo 6 25 2019, 11. Southbrooke Ground Level (003), 12. Southbrooke rendering Aerial View (002), 13. Southbrooke PUD Reduced.pdf


DATE:                                                               June 19, 2019


TO:                                          Franklin Municipal Planning Commission


FROM:                                          Amy Diaz-Barriga, Current Planning Supervisor

                                          Emily Hunter, Director of Planning and Sustainability





PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration Of Resolution 2019-40, As Amended: “A Resolution Approving A Development Plan For Southbrooke PUD Subdivision, For Several Properties Located East And West Of Lewisburg Pike And North And South Of The Intersection At Stream Valley Boulevard.” (FMPC 6/27/19, 7-2; WS 7/9/19; BOMA 8/13/19 deferred to 11/12/19) (REQUEST TO WITHDRAW BY APPLICANT



Project Information

COF Project Number:                     6975

Applicant:                                          Greg Gamble, Gamble Design Collaborative

Owner:                                          Florence McKeithan, Dwight Stacey, Marvin Pratt, and Hill Tennessee, LLC


Background/Staff Comments

Envision Franklin places the majority of these properties into the Conservation Subdivision Design Concept.


                     “Conservation Subdivision supports primarily single-family residential development that clusters lots and infrastructure and sets aside a substantial amount of property as permanently protected open space in its natural state. New development should preserve a minimum of 50 percent open space, strategically targeted toward scenic vistas, greenways, pastures, trails, woodlands, or other uses that maintain scenic character, protect habitat value, and contribute to the quality of life for residents.”


Envision Franklin places the northeastern-most property in the Single-Family Design Concept. 


                     “Single-Family Residential consists of single-family residential neighborhoods, which provide a range of single-family dwelling and lot sizes. New developments should transition from the existing development patterns in the adjacent neighborhoods.”


Both Design Concepts have similar recommendations to lot size and layout.


                     “Lots on the periphery of developments should be sized to be consistent with the existing lots of adjacent neighborhoods. Buildings and their main entrances should be oriented toward the street. Double-frontage, reverse frontage, and flag lots are discouraged. New developments should include a range of lot sizes…to provide more diverse housing options.  Larger developments are expected to have a wide range of sizes. Single-family lots with dwellings accessed by an alley should have a minimum lot width of 45 feet and a minimum lot size of 4,950 feet.”


Conservation Subdivision also has a special consideration for Lewisburg Pike.


                     “New development should have deep setbacks to respect the existing character and should be sensitively designed around historic structures. Informal landscape design and rural features, such as stone walls, wood plank fencing, and informal tree plantings, should be utilized to sustain the scenic and rural quality of the area.”


The proposed development plan meets many of the goals for the Conservation Subdivision and the Single-Family Residential Design Concepts. It preserves 50% open space of scenic vistas, and incorporates a trail system into much of this reserved area, to be accessible to the public. It promotes lot placement that faces homes onto streets or open spaces, and avoids reverse frontage lots, even along Lewisburg Pike. In terms of Lewisburg Pike, this development does change to character of Lewisburg Pike, as any development of a certain density would.  However, the plan has deeper setbacks, similar to the Stream Valley setbacks, and it has taken steps to make the development seem more organic in building placement than a typical subdivision.  It uses wide setbacks (30’) between the buildings along Lewisburg, and staggers the front setbacks of the buildings, so there is variety in building placement along the corridor. It clusters the buildings into groups of three or four, providing open spaces in between these clusters. It also proposes an informal tree planting plan along the frontage of these buildings.


In terms of lot dimensions, this plan has over 200 lots that do not meet the minimum lot width policy in Envision Franklin.  Envision Franklin recommends a minimum lot width of 45 feet for single-family lots accessed by an alley.  These narrower lots account for 27% of the proposed dwelling units and 43% of the single-family lots within the development. The chart below lists the percentage of lot types based on width:


Lot Width

Unit Count

Percentage of Total Units

Lot Count

Percentage of Total Lots





118 (approx)















































A policy for minimum lot dimensions was adopted as part of Envision Franklin for a variety of reasons:  to address architectural considerations such as preferences regarding façade width/rhythm and proportion of front-facing garages along street frontage, to ensure adequate room for easements between lots as needed, and to give more specific land use and density guidance to other departments regarding sewer and infrastructure demands.  If through this discussion, the Planning Commission or Board would like the minimum lot dimensions to be revisited with an annual update to Envision Franklin, staff will undertake this study.  Such a change to Envision Franklin may warrant sewer basin studies and transportation plans to be revisited, as well.



Project Considerations

Project Considerations are not conditions of this approval, but are intended to highlight issues that should be considered in the overall site design or may be required when more detailed plans are submitted for review.  These items are not meant to be exhaustive and all City requirements and ordinances must be met with each plan submittal. 


Williamson County Highway Commission voted against a full connection between this development and Cattail Lane, within Goose Creek Estates. They did vote to approve an emergency only connection, so Southbrooke will be extending right-of-way to the property line and pavement, and installing an emergency gate to City of Franklin standards.


A Parkland Dedication agreement is being considered along with this development plan. As the needs for the park are assessed (additional buildings, additional parking), these changes will need to be incorporated into this plan. These additional amenities may not encroach into the HHO, nor the area of protected slopes.  Further, parking for the park should be evaluated to ensure that adequate parking is provided within the park property without overwhelming the adjacent city streets or private parking lots nearby.




Recommend disapproval to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen. 


See attached pages for a list of staff recommended conditions of approval.


PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS:                     

1.                     If the plan receives BOMA approval, the applicant shall upload the corrected plan to the online plan review website ( All revisions to the approved plans shall be “clouded.” With the resubmittal, each condition of approval/open issue in the online plan review system shall contain a full response from the applicant as to the satisfaction or completion of that condition.

2.                     The city’s project identification number shall be included on all correspondence with any city department relative to this project.